Facilities & Resources For Pastors

Links to related sites have been included to assist pastors in finding other beautiful retreat facilities. Also featured are special ministries for pastors and/or spouses. God has called devout servants to provide help for pastors seeking counsel. There may be a need for temporary employment, housing or other vital needs. So, check out the links below!


Broom Tree Ministries is a fee-free retreat ministry offering 5-day long times of rest and reflection for full time pastors. Broom Tree hosts retreats in a variety of locations in Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois.


PastorCare is a unique and vital ministry designed to connect hurting pastors with the support ministries in "an ever expanding network" of people who desire to help pastors and their families.


This is a ministry dedicated to providing support, counsel and encouragement to pastors and their wives. Psalm One director, Linda Kline, travels and hosts retreats and seminars throughout the USA and abroad.


Beside Still Waters at Playa Del Sol is a program that recognizes the pressures of being in ministry in this day and age. The ministry's goal is to provide a place of rest and refocus for those in need who are in the service of the Lord.


Thriving Pastor is Focus on the Family's ministry site that helps pastors and churches thrive. It contains ministry tools and pastoral care resources, as well as programs and content for church ministries.


Pastors R&R is a ministry providing the use of vacation properties to full-time pastors / ministry leaders and their immediate family members, who cannot otherwise afford to get away.


Shepherd’s Refuge is a non-denominational ministry dedicated to serving the needs of pastors, church leaders and missionaries. The ministry provides guests with a relaxing environment, free from the demands of everyday life.


Here church members find resources, ideas, and tools that help them better choose, compensate, appreciate, partner with, and minister to their spiritual leader.