Dedicated Volunteers
Helping to Keep Things Afloat
Volunteers Are Our Life Line
Since we began this ministry, dedicated volunteers have been a direct blessing to us, as well as a blessing to the pastors who are able to attend our free sabbath rest retreats. When volunteers throw us their personal lifelines (i.e. their time, effort, and skills), no priority task sinks to the bottom of our typical deep todo list. It’s simply easier to manage all that is entailed in operating Deer Ridge Ministries when others help ensure things stay afloat.
If you would like to participate, please call today. Loving servants help us with, among other things:
Retreat Cooking
Serving Meals
Newsletter Mailings
Food Prep
Event Setups
Yard Work
Computer Systems
Intercessory Prayer
Website Updates

Our Address
Deer Ridge Ministries, 3085 West Forest Rd Freeport, Illinois 61032
We sincerely appreciate your prayers and your financial support for this ministry!
Dear Deer Ridge Volunteers,
We thank God through Jesus Christ for you. Not only is your faith spoken of, as Paul could say to the Romans (1:8), but we see it too in the works you do.

An Appreciative Thank You
Thanks To Each And Every Volunteer!
Volunteers save us thousands of dollars and give precious hours of time, often saying, “We’re here to help you serve the pastors. They need this ministry!” Again, thank you. We appreciate your help.